
Urban Forests: the Assessment of Scenic Beauty and Equitable Distribution of Green Infrastructure
发布时间:2016-12-01 阅读次数:3964次

时    间:  2016年12月5日(周一)上午9:00

地    点:  土建学院824会议室

主讲人:Michael Meitner    加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学


Michael  Meitner is the Professor in Faculty of Forestry at the University of  British Columbia. His research interests are in environmental  visualization and geographic information systems, scenic beauty and  aesthetics of the natural world, and sustainability planning.

       He  has been involved in a number of interdisciplinary research projects  focused on: 1) public involvement in sustainable ecosystem planning  efforts, 2) the projection of future forest conditions according to  economic, ecological and social indicators of sustainability, 3) the  management of spatial and temporal data at a scale required for  landscape planning, and 4) distributed artificial intelligence modeling  of human/landscape interactions with specific attention to issues of  conflict in outdoor recreation and tourism. He is now the member of  American Psychological Society APA, IEEE Computer Society and  International Association for Society and Natural Resources IASNR.

       He  has been nominated for the UBC Killam Teaching Award in 2005, 2006  & 2011, and was granted Habitat Canada Forest Stewardship Award.
