
Instant Structural Analysis: A Tool for Structural Engineering Students and Engineers
发布时间:2017-09-29 阅读次数:3815次

报告人:S. Kitipornchai澳大利亚昆士兰大学教授,工程院院士



报告题目:Instant Structural Analysis: A Tool for Structural Engineering Students and Engineers


This seminar will discuss the need to educate structural engineering students and engineers with the proper understanding of the global structural behaviour.  Following the catastrophic collapse of the WTC in the 9/11 it became more apparent that understanding progressive failure or collapse in structures is of paramount important.  To prevent total structural collapse when part or parts of the structure are damaged or destroyed, the structure must be capable of re-distributing internal forces to provide alternative load-paths to prevent catastrophic collapse.  For this to occur the structure must have adequate degree of redundancy and engineers will need to understand how the structure may progressively respond under different possible load conditions including in the extreme case of a terrorist attack.

A new approach for teaching structural analysis and design is through the use of instant structural analysis software that are capable of stimulating rapid experimental learning as well as being used as a creative design tool.  We need to re-think and if necessary, revise our curriculum to phase out or reduce the use of old-fashion manual calculation techniques, and instead to emphasize the understanding of the physical/holistic structural behaviour.  Manual techniques such as column analogy, conjugate beam theory, moment distribution for frames with side sway, etc are no longer needed.

An easy-to-use instant structural analysis software with full graphic interface has been developed for 2D structures.  This software provides a handy tool for teachers and engineers alike, and learn about structural behaviour and design.  It gives instant graphical results that accurately simulate structural response thus promoting self-learning and creativity.


Professor S Kitipornchai is from the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Queensland, Australia. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) and a Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA). He has been awarded Honorary Professor at Tsinghua University; Beijing Jiaotong University; and Tongji University.  He is the Regional Editor of Engineering Structures journal since 1993. His research interests are in the areas of structural stability, steel structures, transmission towers, computational mechanics, advanced composite and smart materials. He has published over 330 journal papers, and 8 books, with a web of science h-index of 48 and over 10,000 citations.

He has been with the University of Queensland since 1976. From 2001 to 2012, he worked at the City University of Hong Kong and was Head of Department for 6 years, during which time he established the discipline of Civil Engineering and the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering for City University of Hong Kong. He has won many awards that include the Tileman Prize, the James Hardies Award, the Munro Prize, the University of Queensland Teaching Excellence Award, and the Monash Civil Engineering Alumnus of the Year Award.
