
Visualizing Alternative Transportation Designs
发布时间:2017-12-22 阅读次数:6225次

汇报人:Dr. Brent  Chamberlain

时间:20171222 (星期五)上午10:10


讲座内容:Designing  and engineering highways is a complex process. Geographic Information Systems  (GIS) can support engineers in creating plans, estimating costs and evaluating  impacts. GIS can be extended to develop 3D visualization models of highway  systems. To demonstrate different highway design techniques you will learn how   to quickly show design alternatives as 3D realistic models.

Dr. Chamberlain is an Assistant Professor at Kansas State  University in the department of Landscape Architecture and Regional and  Community Planning. His research combines computer graphics, geovisualization,  information visualization and GIScience to conduct scientific inquiry,  facilitate decision making, and facilitate communication and understanding.
