
Some recent research works on phononic crystals and elastic metamaterials
发布时间:2018-09-10 阅读次数:6500次

Chuanzeng Zhang

Chair of Structural Mechanics, School of Science and Technology,

University of Siegen, Germany




In this presentation, some research works on phononic crystals and elastic metamaterials performed recently at the Chair of Structural Mechanics, Department of Civil Engineering, School of Science and Technology, University of Siegen, Germany, will be reported and discussed. The physical background and the potential applications of the corresponding research results will be described and highlighted. In particular, three-dimensional periodic frame structures and periodic sandwich structures with local resonators, two-dimensional periodic structures with geometrical imperfections, and elastic wave focusing will be investigated.



张传增教授及其研究小组近年来取得了大量的科研成果,已在学术期刊和专业会议论文集发表学术论文750余篇,完成科研报告50余篇,近五年来曾应邀做学术报告50余次,参与组织了30多个国际学术会议,并先后为近60余家国际权威学术杂志做书面评审工作。张传增教授为10余家国际期刊的编委,截止到2018年8月6日,其学术论文Googler Scholar的总引用量已达8460次,H指数为46,i10指数为219。
