
发布时间:2021-08-02 阅读次数:7687次

报告人:Prof Jian-Guo Dai, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

题目:Development Innovative Materials and Structural Systems for Maintenance and Sustainability of Concrete Infrastructures

时间:202184 (星期三)9:00-11:00

会议 ID551 227 190     会议密码:2012




A grand challenge to the sustainability of civil infrastructure comes from the deterioration of structural materials. The corrosion of steel, particularly in concrete structures under severe environments is the largest contributor to the massive infrastructure deterioration problem all over the world. Recently, the research community worldwide has spent great efforts in developing innovative construction materials for enhanced infratructure durability and environmental friendliness. This lecture presents a summary of the efforts in the auhtor’s research group in the development and use of innovative contruction materials and structural systems, with the aim to achieve the longevity and sustainability of concrete infrastructures through optimal life cycle maintenance (LCM) strategies. The innovative materials to be presented include high-performance fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites for strengthening of existing concrete structures with focus on the performance under extreme environmental and mechanical loading, such as moist, fire and seismic loading, ulltra-high performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites (UHP-FRCC) with the combination of high strength and ductility and its potential use in marine construction and underground structures, development of multi-functional coating (water proofing, self-cleaning and energy-saving) materials for surface protection and energy-efficiency of building concrete structures, and systhesis of green geopolymer cement through chemical activation of industry by-products for reduced carbon footprints, strategic waste management and development of functional materials. A strategic adoption of these above-mentioned materials and development of corresponding structural systems will lead to a cost-effective and environmentally friendly approach for the LCM and sustainbility of concrete infrastructures.


Ir Prof Jian-Guo Dai graduated with his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Dalian University of Technology and his PhD degree in social infrastructure engineering from Hokkaido University, Japan. His research theme is “Emerging materials and structural systems for sustainable concrete infrastructures”. He has received many awards for his research work, including the “Best Basic Research Paper Award” from ASCE, Journal of Composites for Construction in 2005, “Distinguished Young Scholar of FRP Application Committee of Chinese Society of Civil Engineers” etc. Prof. Dai is the contributor of 1 textbook, 2 book chapters, 6 conference proceedings and more than 300 technical papers (including 134 SCI journal papers, Citations at Google Scholar = 5797 and h-index = 38 at Google Scholar as of April 23, 2021). He has delivered about 40 keynote/invited lectures at international conferences and more than 60 other invited presentations worldwide. In 2020, Prof Dai’s research on eco-friendly coating was highlighted by “Science” in its “Editor’s Choice” and reported by public media like “Ta Kung Pao” and “Hong Kong Economic Journal”. Prof Dai was also “World’s Top 2% Scientist-Stanford University Releases List (2019)” (Career) in the “Civil Engineering” discipline.


Prof. Dai contributes actively his service and leadership to international and domestic technical communities. He serves the Asian Concrete Federation (ACF) as the Chair of its Technical Board, the International Institution of FRP Composites for Construction (IIFC) as a Vice President, and ISO/TC71 SC6 “Non-traditional Reinforcing Materials for Concrete Structures” as its Committee Manager. He is a Fellow of IIFC, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) and Hong Kong Concrete Institute (HKCI) Currently, he is serving “Journal of Asian Concrete Federation” as a vice-editor in-chief and “Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology” as an associate editor. He served the journal “Advances in Structural Engineering” as an editor and “Construction and Building Materials”, “Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering” and a few other journals as a guest editor.


Website: http://www.ceejgdai.com

Orchid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9904-7914