
姓  名:


职  务:

职  称:


学  历:


学  位:




邮  编:






博士    固体力学

硕士    一般力学

本科   机械设计与制造


2003-  北京交通大学  副教授, 教授

2006-2007   Georgia Institute of Technology  访问学者


  • 智能健康监测


  • 力学硕士
  • 力学博士


  1. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:曲面结构中非线性超声混频导波及表面波的传播特性研究,2023年,主持
  2. 国家自然科学基金重大科研仪器:基于可移动X射线成像的材料超高温内部变形场与缺陷损伤在位测试仪器,2021年,参加
  3. 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 基于超材料的新型地震表面波屏障设计及机理研究,2017年,60万,参加
  4. 红果园(横): 高分三号SAR天线铰链和压紧释放装置承载力及刚度测试,2015年,40万,参加
  5. 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 粘接结构温度疲劳损伤的非线性超声检测与评价,2015年,95万,主持
  6. 红果园(横):超高温陶瓷材料的高温性能测试评价,2013年,10.0万元,参加
  7. 基本科研业务费:低维压电纳米结构力学性能的表面效应和尺度效应及其在微纳米器件中的应用,2013年,54.0万元,参加
  8. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:含缺陷轻质点阵夹芯结构中弹性导波的传播特性研究,2013年,85.0万元,参加
  9. 北京交通大学(横):K6外圆弹簧疲劳性能分析,2011年,16.0万元,参加
  10. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:高速列车车轴疲劳损伤和微组织演化的非线性超声评价,2012,65.0万元,主持
  11. 基本科研业务费:粘接界面疲劳荷载下性能退化的非线性超声研究,2011,7.0万元,主持
  12. 基本科研业务费:功能梯度压电材料的接触力学及应用,2009,7.0万元,参加
  13. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:梯度材料涂层结构的热弹性接触及滑动失稳分析,2009,38.0万元,参加
  14. 北京市自然科学基金:金属材料性能退化的非线性超声无损检测技术研究,2008,22.0万元,参加
  15. 校科技基金:材料力学性能退化的非线性超声无损检测技术基础研究,2007,2.0万元,主持
  16. 国家自然科学基金:材料和结构性能退化的监测预测,2003,40.0万元,参加
  17. 教育部:功能梯度材料热力冲击载荷作用下的断裂动力学行为,2003,7.0万元,参加


本    科: 理论力学、材料力学、工程力学

研究生: 弹性理论,力学测试技术


  1. Zhou, Xiang; Shui, Guoshuang. Analytical solution for the transient response of the anisotropic multi-layered composite structure under dynamic anti-plane point loading with thermal effect.  Composite Structures,  v 282,  15 February 2022.

  2. 李晓阳;税国双;汪越胜. 黏接复合结构损伤的非线性超声评价研究进展. 科学通报. 2022,67(07). 

  3. Huang, Kuan-Xin; Shui, Guo-Shuang; Wang, Yi-Ze; Wang, Yue-Sheng. Enhanced Fracture Resistance Induced by Coupling Multiple Degrees of Freedom in Elastic Wave Metamaterials with Local Resonators. Journal of Elasticity, v 144, n 1, p 33-53, April 2021.

  4. Sun, Xiaoqiang; Shui, Guoshuang; Zhao, Youxuan; Liu, Wei; Hu, Ning; Deng, Mingxi. Evaluation of early stage local plastic damage induced by bending using quasi-static component of Lamb waves. NDT and E International,  v 116,  December 2020.

  5. Huang, Kuan-Xin; Shui, Guo-Shuang; Wang, Yi-Ze; Wang, Yue-Sheng. Meta-arrest of a fast propagating crack in elastic wave metamaterials with local resonators. Mechanics of Materials, v 148, September 2020.

  6. Yuan, Bo; Shui, Guoshuang; Wang, Yue-Sheng. Evaluating and Locating Plasticity Damage Using Collinear Mixing Waves. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,  v 29, n 7, p 4575-4585,  July 1, 2020.

  7. Zhou, Xiang; Shui, Guoshuang. Propagation of transient elastic waves in multilayered composite structure subjected to dynamic anti-plane loading with thermal effects.  Composite Structures,  v 241,  1 June 2020.
  8. Ding, Xiangyan; Zhao, Youxuan; Deng, Mingxi; Shui, Guoshuang; Hu, Ning. One-way Lamb mixing method in thin plates with randomly distributed micro-cracks. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,  v 171,  1 April 2020.
  9. Li, Xiaoyang; Shui, Guoshuang; Zhao, Youxuan; Wang, Yue-Sheng. Propagation of Non-Linear Lamb Waves in Adhesive Joint with Micro-Cracks Distributing Randomly. Applied Sciences-BASEL, v 10(3), p 741, February 2020.
  10. 彭博; 税国双; 汪越胜. 蜂窝夹层板结构中导波的传播特性及其脱粘损伤的检测. 振动与冲击. 2019,38(12).
  11. Li, Zhen-Ni; Yuan, Bo; Wang, Yi-Ze; Shui, Guo-Shuang; Zhang, Chuanzeng; Wang, Yue-Sheng Diode behavior and nonreciprocal transmission in nonlinear elastic wave metamaterial. Mechanics of Materials, v 133, p 85-101, June 2019.
  12. 苑博; 税国双; 汪越胜. 非线性超声混频检测技术在无损检测中的研究进展. 机械工程学报, 2019,55(16).
  13. Yang, Juan; Peng, Gai-Fei; Zhao, Jie; Shui, Guo-Shuang. On the explosive spalling behavior of ultra-high performance concrete with and without coarse aggregate exposed to high temperature. Construction and Building Materials, v 226, p 932-944, 30 November 2019.
  14. Yang, Juan; Peng, Gai-Fei; Shui, Guo-Shuang; Zhang, Gui. Mechanical properties and anti-spalling behavior of ultra-high performance concrete with recycled and industrial steel fibers. Materials, v 12, n 5, March 1, 2019.
  15. 苑博; 税国双; 汪越胜. 循环温度疲劳作用下粘接界面损伤的非线性超声评价. 物理学报, 2018,67(07).
  16. 税国双. 点的复合运动中相对运动的描述. 力学与实践, 2016,38(02).
  17. Guoshuang Shui, Yue-Sheng Wang and Peng Huang et al., "Nonlinear ultrasonic evaluation of the fatigue damage of adhesive joints," NDT and E International 70, 9-15 (2015).
  18. Guoshuang Shui, Changwu Li and Kai Yao, "Non-destructive evaluation of the damage of ferromagnetic steel using metal magnetic memory and nonlinear ultrasonic method," INT J APPL ELECTROM 47 (4), 1023-1038 (2015).
  19. Guo-Shuang Shui and Peng Huang, "Nondestructive evaluation of surface plastic damage for metallic material based on stress wave factor," Cailiao Gongcheng/Journal of Materials Engineering (11), 70-74 (2013).
  20. Guoshuang Shui, Yue-Sheng Wang and Fei Gong, "Evaluation of plastic damage for metallic materials under tensile load using nonlinear longitudinal waves," NDT and E International 55, 1-8 (2013).
  21. Guoshuang Shui, Peng Huang and Yuesheng Wang, "Non-destructive evaluation of fatigue damage of train spring using nonlinear ultrasonic method," Shengxue Xuebao/Acta Acustica 38 (5), 570-575 (2013).
  22. 税国双, 黄蓬, 基于应力波因子的金属材料表面塑性损伤检测. 材料工程. 2013, 11.
  23. Guo-Shuang Shui and Yue-Sheng Wang, "A method for nonlinear ultrasonic evaluation of coating damage on metallic material," Guti Huojian Jishu/Journal of Solid Rocket Technology 35 (5), 703-706 (2012).
  24. Guoshuang Shui and Yue-Sheng Wang, "Ultrasonic evaluation of early damage of a coating by using second-harmonic generation technique," J APPL PHYS 111 (12), 124902 (2012).
  25. Guoshuang Shui and Yuesheng Wang, Nondestructive Evaluation of Material Damage using Nonlinear Rayleigh Waves Approach. 2102 2nd international conference on advanced material research,Chengdu,1522.
  26. Guoshuang Shui and Yuesheng Wang, "Characterization of surface damage of a solid plate under tensile loading using nonlinear Rayleigh waves," Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters 1 (5), 51005 (2011)
  27. Guoshuang Shui, Yuesheng Wang and Jianmin Qu et al., "Evaluation of the acoustic nonlinearity parameter of materials with Rayleigh waves excited directly," Shengxue Xuebao/Acta Acustica 33 (4), 378-384 (2008).
  28. Guoshuang Shui, Jin-Yeon Kim and Jianmin Qu et al., "A new technique for measuring the acoustic nonlinearity of materials using Rayleigh waves," NDT and E International 41 (5), 326-329 (2008).


  1. 汪越胜,金明, 税国双. 静力学[M]. 国内:电子工业出版社,2011-11
  2. 汪越胜,税国双, 金明. 运动学与动力学[M]. 国内:电子工业出版社,2011-12
  3. 税国双. 理论力学[M]. 国内:北京交通大学出版社,2009-01





中国力学学会 实验力学新方法专业组 委员