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北京交通大学力学系,教授,博士生导师,主持和参加国家自然科学基金面上项目,联合负责国家自然科学基金重点、承担973子项目和横向科研项目等近30项,在美国休斯顿大学(University of Houston)博士其间,参加了海军项目和NASA项目有关多孔形状记忆合金材料本构关系的课题等。曾有着力学、数学、机械制造、水工结构四个专业系统学习的经历。在连续介质力学、细观力学、功能材料、土力学、热动力学、计算力学等方面取得了许多具有理论价值的研究成果工作。近年来,在Energy,IJES,Appl.Mech. Rev.,J.Alloy Compd.,IJSS, Elast.中国科学等发表期刊论文140余篇,已被SCI收录八十余篇,许多结果已被国内外教科书所采用。


19869~19897月, 中国矿大(北京)力学室读硕士,方向:计算结构力学。




19838~19867 兵器部庆华工具厂职工大学 助理工程师

19898~199312 南京钢铁设计研究所 工程师

199312~20005 南京理工大学土木与力学系教师

20039~至今 北京交通大学工程力学研究所。


  • 土木工程防灾减灾


  • 土木工程博士
  • 土木工程硕士



  1. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:多场作用下功能梯度介电晶体材料中的挠曲电效应及其机理分析, 主持
  2. 国家自然科学基金“重点”:灾变条件下特高混凝土坝失效破坏的关键力学问题,联合主持
  3. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:功能梯度多孔形状记忆合金的相变机理与力学性能分析,主持





















1. 肖卫国; 兑关锁; 陈铁林; 任青文. 剪胀和破坏耦合的节理岩体本构模型的研究.岩石力学与工程学报, 2009, (12), 2535-2543

2. 肖卫国; 兑关锁; 朱玉萍; 陈铁林; 任青文. 充填单节理岩体本构模型研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2010, (S2), 3463-3468

3. 肖卫国; 兑关锁; 任青文. 节理岩体非线性本构模型的研究. 工程力学, 2010, (09), 1-6

4. 朱福巍; 兑关锁; 任青文. 基于本构积分算法的岩体结构面三维弹塑性有限元模型. 岩土工程学报, 2011, (07), 1058-1065.

5. 马宝玉; 兑关锁; 阳生有. 基于多项材料细观力学的混凝土干缩量预估. 工程力学, 2014, (12): 104-111. 

6. Zhu FW, Dui GS, Ren Q W. A continuum model of jointed rock masses based on micromechanics and its integration algorithm. Science China Technological Sciences, 2011, 54(3): 581-590.

7. Sun, ZY; Zhang, DL; Fang, Q; Dui, GS; Chu, ZF. Analytical solutions for deep tunnels in strain-softening rocks modeled by different elastic strain definitions with the unified strength theory. Science China Technological Sciences, 2022,DOI:10.1007/s11431-022-2158-9

8. Ma, BY; Dui, GS; , et al. An Efficient Approach of Predicting the Elastic Property of Hydrating Cement Paste. FRONTIERS IN MATERIALS. 2021,8,doi.org/10.3389/fmats.2021.729644

9. Sun, ZY; Zhang, DL; Fang, Q; Dui GS, et al. Analysis of the interaction between tunnel support and surrounding rock considering pre-reinforcement. TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY. 2021, 115

10. Ma, BY; Dui, GS, et al. A Simple Cement Hydration Model Considering the Influences of Water-to-Cement Ratio and Mineral Composition. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 2021, 127 (3) , 1059-1067

二. 非线性连续介质力学包括在张量恒等式,张量函数表示定理,张量函数导数, 连续介质力学物理量的不变性表示及近似表示公式等


1. Dui GS, Basis-free representations for the stress rate, Int. J. Solids and Struct. 2004, 41(16-17) 4845-4860
2. Dui GS. On the derivation for the gradients of the principal invariants, J. Elast. 75: 193–196, 2004.

3. Dui GS and Chen YC, A note on  Rivlin's identities and their extension. J. Elast. 2004, 76: 107–112.

4. Dui GS, Wang ZD and Ren QW, Explicit formulations of tangent stiffness tensors for isotropic materials. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 2007, 69(4), 665 - 675.
5. Dui GS, Wang ZD & Jin M. Derivatives on the isotropic tensor functions. Science in China: Series G. 2006 , 49(3), 321-334
6. Dui GS, Some Basis-Free Formulae for the Time Rate and Conjugate Stress of Logarithmic Strain Tensor.Journal of Elasticity 2006, 83(2), 113-151.

7. Dui GS, Determination of the rotation tensor in the polar decomposition J ELASTICITY 1998, 50 (3): 197-208.
8. Dui GS, Ren QW and Shen ZJ, Time rates of Hill's strain tensors. J ELASTICITY 54 (2) 1999
9. Dui GS, Some new representations of spin tensors. MECH RES COMMUN 26 (1): 1-6, 1999

10. Gao YC, Jin M, Dui GS ,Stresses, singularities, and a complementary energy principle for large strain elasticity. APPLIED MECHANICS REVIEWS, 61 (3): No. 030801,2008

三. 复合材料宏细观力学


1. Chu, LL; Dui, GS. Exact solutions for functionally graded micro-cylinders in first gradient elasticity.  International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2018, 148: 366-373.

2. Xin, L; Dui, GS; Pan, DM; A revisiting of the elasticity solution for a transversely isotropic functionally graded thick-walled tube based on the Mori-Tanaka method. Acta Mechanica, 2018(6): 2703-2717.

3. Ding J, Chu L, Xin L, Dui, GS; Nonlinear vibration analysis of functionally graded beams considering the influences of the rotary inertia of the cross section and neutral surface position. Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines. 2018, 46(2): 225-237.

4. Xin L, Lu W, Yang S, Ju C, Dui, GS. Influence of linear work hardening on the elastic–plastic behavior of a functionally graded thick-walled tube. Acta Mechanica, 2016, 227: 2305-2321.

5. Xin L, Dui GS, Yang S, Liu Y. Elastic-Plastic Analysis for Functionally Graded Thick-Walled Tube Subjected to Internal Pressure. Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2016, 8(02): 331-352.

6. Xin L, Yang S, Zhou D, Dui GS. An approximate analytical solution based on the Mori–Tanaka method for functionally graded thick-walled tube subjected to internal pressure. Composite Structures, 2016, 135: 74-82.

7. Xin L, Yang S, Ma B, Dui GS. Thermoelastic Analysis of a Functionally Graded Rotating Thick-Walled Tube Subjected to Mechanical and Thermal Loads. International Journal of Thermophysics, 2015, 36:3017-3036

8. Xin L, Dui GS, Yang S, et al. Solutions for behavior of a functionally graded thick-walled tube subjected to mechanical and thermal loads. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2015, 98: 70-79.

9. Xin L, Dui GS, Yang S, Zhang J. An elasticity solution for functionally graded thick-walled tube subjected to internal pressure. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2014, 89: 344-349.

10. Xue L, Dui GS, Liu B. Theoretical analysis of a functionally graded shape memory alloy beam under pure bending. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 2013, 93(1): 1-16.



1. Chu, L., Li, Y., Dui, G. Nonlinear analysis of functionally graded flexoelectric nanoscale energy harvesters. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020, 167, 105282

2. Zhang, JM, Dui, GS; Liang, XY. Revisiting the micro-buckling of carbon fibers in elastic memory composite plates under pure bending. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2018, 136: 339-348.

3. Chu L, Dui G, Ju C. Flexoelectric effect on the bending and vibration responses of functionally graded piezoelectric nanobeams based on general modified strain gradient theory. Composite Structures. 2018, 186:. 39-49.

4. Ju, C, Dui G, Zheng H; Revisiting the temperature dependence in material properties and performance of thermoelectric materials. Energy: 2017,124: 249-257

5. Xue L, Dui G, Liu B, et al. A phenomenological constitutive model for functionally graded porous shape memory alloy. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2014, 78: 103-113.

6. Yang, SY; Dui GS. Temperature analysis of one-dimensional NiTi shape memory alloys under different loading rates and boundary conditions. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2013, 50(20): 3254-3265.

7. Zhu Y, Dui G. A macro-constitutive model of polycrystalline NiTi SMAs including tensile–compressive asymmetry and torsion pseudoelastic behaviors. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2010, 48(12): 2099-2106.

8. Zhu Y, Dui G. Micromechanical modeling of stress–strain behaviors with intermartensitic transformation in NiFeGa alloys. Mechanics of Materials, 2010, 42(4): 429-434.

9. Zhu Y P, Dui G S, Liu D. Micromechanical analysis of interaction energy for SMA reinforced composite. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 2009, 52(3): 610-616.

10. Zhu Y, Dui G. Model for field-induced reorientation strain in magnetic shape memory alloy with tensile and compressive loads. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2008, 459(1): 55-60.




