
姓  名:


职  务:

职  称:


学  历:


学  位:




邮  编:






1999.09-2003.07, 河北建筑工程学院,土木工程,学士;
2006.08-2009.12,法国国家应用技术学院(INSA de Rennes),博士;
2015.12-2017.01  美国伊利诺伊香槟分校访问学者




1. 无人机在铁路上应用

2. 铁路巡检机器人

3. 地质雷达GPR+机械学习AI

4. 钢轨超声波探伤和磁漏探伤+AI 



  • 轨道工程与工务管理
  • 轨道交通运输
  • 道路交通运输
  • 交通基础设施
  • 智能建造(土建学院导师组)
  • 智能建造


  • 道路与铁道工程硕士
  • 轨道交通运输硕士
  • 道路交通运输硕士
  • 道路与铁道工程博士
  • 人工智能博士
  • 交通运输博士
  • 人工智能硕士


1. 基于离散元法的有砟道床特性研究,教育部留学人员科研启动基金
2. 中荷轨道工程青年专家研讨会,国家自然科学基金
3. 西南交通大学高速铁路线路工程教育部重点实验室开放研究基金
4. 高速铁路飞砟机理研究,国家自然科学青年基金
5. 高速铁路道砟-道砟胶离散单元法微观研究,教育部博士点基金
6. 高速铁路道砟飞溅机理微观仿真研究,人事部博士后面上基金
7. 桥上有砟道床结构及其优化,美国FRA联合课题,中方PI
8. 有砟道床复合结构体系理论与试验研究,北京市自然科学基金委基金
9. 道砟级配RAMS应用机理研究,北京交通大学人才基金
10. 高速铁路有砟道床设计及飞砟防治,国家自然科学基金面上项目


俄罗斯莫喀高铁时速400km/h有砟道床研究, 中铁第二勘察设计院








积极献身轨道工程对外教学,如埃塞尔比亚、利比亚、乌干达、泰国、印度、坦桑尼亚、赞比亚、巴西和秘鲁铁道工程师培训,荣获乌干达国家友谊勋章,同时为相关企业提供铁路建设技术标准、产业咨询服务。根据以下所承担科研项目,与美国伊利诺伊香槟、法国中央理工和荷兰代尔夫特理工著名大学有实质合作,为中方项目负责人,联合指导博士生2名。 中国铁路总公司、国家铁路局规范及标准英文版审议专家,审议《高速铁路设计规范》英文版等,同时兼聘为国际铁路项目顾问,提供铁路建设技术标准、咨询服务。   















[13]井国庆,丁东,邵帅.基于Monte Carlo高速铁路飞砟可靠性分析研究[J].铁道科学与工程学报,2016,13(7):1234-1240.





[18]王创,井国庆,庞玲,姚力.中俄高速铁路有砟道床技术条件分析——时速350 km高铁设计参考与借鉴[J].铁道标准设计,2017,61(6):20-23.


































SCI Journal Article Publication List (2018-2021)


  1. Jing, Guoqing, Peyman Aela, and Hao Fu. "The contribution of ballast layer components to the lateral resistance of ladder sleeper track." Construction and Building Materials 202 (2019): 796-805.  

  2. Jing, Guoqing,Qie LuChao, Jia WenLi. "Polyurethane reinforced ballasted track: Review, innovation and challenge." Construction and Building Materials 208 (2019): 734-748.

  3. Jing, Guoqing, Hao Fu, and Peyman Aela. "Lateral displacement of different types of steel sleepers on ballasted track." Construction and Building Materials 186 (2018): 1268-1275  

  4. Jing Guoqing, Zhang Xu*, Jiawenli. Lateral resistance of high-speed railway ballast locally reinforced with polyurethane based on new bonding schemes: laboratory tests and discrete element simulations [J]. Construction and building materials. 208 (2019): 627-636.        

  5. Jing, Guoqing, Dong Ding, Xiang Liu*. High-speed railway ballast flight mechanism analysis and risk management−a literature review. Construction and Building Materials 223 (2019): 629-642.

  6. Jing, G. Q. Hao Fu, and Peyman Aela "Numerical and experimental analysis of single tie push tests on different shapes of concrete sleepers in ballasted tracks."Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit (2018): 0954409718805274.

  7. G.Q. Jing, Peyman Aela; Hao Fu; M. Esmaeili. Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Lateral Resistance of Bi-Block Sleeper on Ballasted Tracks. ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics, Vol. 20, Issue 6 (June 2020)


  8. Jing, G. Q Peyman Aela*.Review of ballast lateral resistance. "Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit (2019). DOI: 10.1177/0954409719866355

  9. Yunlong Guo, Valeri Markine, Weile Qiang, Guoqing Jing*.Effects of crumb rubber size and percentage on degradation reduction of railway ballast. Construction and Building Materials 212 (2019) 210–224 

  10. Jia wenli, valeri markine, guo Yunlong, Jing Guoqing*. Experimental and numerical investigations on the shear behaviour of recycled railway ballast. Construction and building materials. 217 (2019): 310-320.      

  11. Guo, Yunlong, Valeri Markine, Jianing Song, and Guoqing Jing*. "Ballast Degradation: Effect of Particle Size and Shape Using Los Angeles Abrasion Test and Image Analysis. Construction and Building Materials, 169, 2018: 414-429    

  12. Guo, Yunlong, Valeri Markine, Xuehui Zhang, Guoqing Jing*. "Image Analysis for Morphology, Rheology and Degradation Study of Railway Ballast: A Review." Transportation Geotechnics 18,2019:173-211.  

  13. Peyman Aela, Jing, G. Q*. Hao Fu, "Retain wall lateral resistance reinforcement of ballasted tracks. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 115 (2019): 96-115

  14. Biao Li, Bo Li, Mohammad Siahkouhi, Guoqing Jing*. Study on coupling of glass powder and steel fiber as silica fume replacement in UHPC: concrete sleeper admixture case study. KSCE J Civ Eng(2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12205-020-0832-5

  15. Guoqing Jing,Gang Huang,Wenjun Zhu*. An Experimental Study on Water Permeability of Architectural Mortar Using Waste Glass as Fine Aggregate. Materials.2020,13(5), 1110. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma13051110

  16. Guo, Yunlong, Fu hao,Yu Qian, and Guoqing Jing*.Effect of Sleeper Bottom Texture on Lateral Resistance with Discrete Element Modelling. Construction and Building Materials, Volume 250, July 2020, 118770. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.118770]

  17. Guoqing Jing, Siahkouhi, M, Haoyu Wang. “Numerical investigation of the behavior of stone ballast mixed by steel slag in ballasted railway track”. Construction and Building Materials 262 (2020) 120015


  18. Yunlong Guo, Jianxi Wang, Valeri Markine,Guoqing Jing*. Ballast Mechanical Performance with and without under Sleeper Pads. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12215-020-0932-5

  19. Jing, G. Q., Aela, P., Ji, Y., (2020).The Experimental and numerical analysis of anchor-reinforced sleepers lateral resistance on ballasted track, Journal of Construction and Building Materials 265 (2020) 120197



  20. Guoqing Jing, Siahkouhi, M, Shuguo Wang. “Development of a field condition monitoring system in high speed railway turnout”. Measurement Volume 169 February 2021, 108358


  21. Guoqing Jing, Dong Ding, Le Fang. Ballasted track aerodynamic optimization by wind tunnel test and CFD simulation. "Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit (2020). https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0954409720960889

  22. G.Q. Jing; Y.M. Ji; W.L. Qiang; Ran Zhang*. Experimental and Numerical Study on Ballast Flakiness and Elongation Index by Direct Shear Test. ASCE's International Journal of Geomechanics. Int. J. Geomech., 2020, 20(10): 04020169

  23. Guoqing Jing, Mohammad Siahkouhi, J. Riley Edwardsb, N. A. Hoult. Smart railway sleepers - a review of recent developments, challenges, and future prospects Construction and Building Materials, Volume 271, 15 February 2021, 121533

  24. Y. Guo, W. Jia, V. Markine, G. Jing*, Rheology study of ballast-sleeper interaction with Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and discrete element modelling (DEM), Construction and Building Materials, 25 February 2021

  25. Mohammad Siahkouhi, Xinjie Li, Valerie Markine, Guoqing Jing*. Experimental and numerical study on the mechanical behavior of KLP sleepers. Journal of Scientia Iranica. SEP-OCT 2021. DOI10.24200/sci.2021.57165.5096

  26. WenliJia, V.L.Markine, GuoqingJing*. Analysis of furnace slag in railway sub-ballast based on experimental tests and DEM simulations. Construction and Building Materials Volume 288, 21 June 2021, 123114   https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.123114

  27. Jing, G. Q., Zong, L., Yameng, J., Aela, P.*. "Experimental and DEM Analysis of Lateral Resistance of FFU Synthetic Sleeper". Journal of Scientia Iranica.2021  http://scientiairanica.sharif.edu/article_22274.html

  28. Aela, P., Siahkouhi, M., Zong, L., Jing, G.Q.*. "Mechanical behavior of Y-shape steel sleepers on ballasted track under lateral and vertical loading", Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, January 2022, Volume 34, Issue 1 Online publication date: October 29, 2021.  https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0004064

  29. Peyman Aela , Lu Zong, Morteza Esmaeili, Mohammad Siahkouhi, Guoqing Jing*. Parametric study of repose angle for numerical modeling of ballast particles focusing on particle dependent specifications. Particuology, Volume 65,

2022,Pages 39-50  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.partic.2021.06.006

  1. Y. Guo, V. Markine, G. Jing*, Review of ballast track tamping: mechanism, challenges and solutions, Construction and Building Materials. Volume 300,2021,123940

  2. G. Jing, W. Jia, X. Wang, V. Markine, R. Nålsund, Y. Guo*, Experimental and numerical study on lateral resistance of frictional sleeper with arrowhead groove, Transportation Geotechnics,Volume 30,2021,100638

  3. Mohammad Siahkouhi; xinjie Li; Xiaodong Han; Guoqing Jing*.Utilization of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in concrete for structural health monitoring (SHM) purposes: A review. Construction and Building Materials. Volume 309, 22 November 2021, 125137

  4. Mohammad Siahkouhi; xinjie Li; Xiaodong Han; Guoqing Jing*. Improving the mechanical performance of timber railway sleepers by CFRP fabric reinforcement: An experimental and numerical study. ASCE's Journal of Composites for Construction. February 2022, Volume26, Issue 1. Online publication date: November 24, 2021

  5. Yunlong Guo, Lu Zong,Valeri Markine,Xinyu Wang, Guoqing Jing*. Experimental and numerical study on lateral and longitudinal resistance of ballasted track with nailed sleeper. Pages 114-132. https://doi.org/10.1080/23248378.2021.1872424

  6. Amir Najibi, Guoqing Jing. Two dimensional stress wave propagation analysis of infinite 2D-FGM hollow cylinder, Waves in Random and Complex Media,2021. DOI: 10.1080/17455030.2021.1987584

  7. Meng Wang, Xiaodong Han, Guoqing Jing, Haoyu Wang, Experimental and numerical analysis on mechanical behaviour of steel turnout sleeper,Construction and Building Materials,Volume 329,127133, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2022.127133.

  8. Linfeng Li, Weifeng Liu, Meng Ma, Guoqing Jing, Weining Liu. Research on the dynamic behaviour of the railway ballast assembly subject to the low loading condition based on a tridimensional DEM-FDM coupled approach. Construction and Building Materials 218 (2019) 135–149

  9. Guoqing Jing. Xuanyang Qin. Haoyu Wang.Chengcheng Deng. Developments, challenges, and perspectives of railway inspection robots. Automation in Construction 138 (2022) 104242



井国庆, 《铁路有砟道床》, 中国铁道出版社. 24万字, 2012
王平,陈嵘,井国庆, 《现代轨道结构》(译著),中国铁道出版社. 120万字,2014
井国庆,陈嵘。王平, 《高等铁路岩土工程-有砟道床》(译著),中国机械出版社. 80万字,2017

井国庆,付豪, 《有砟道床横向阻力》中国铁道出版社. 50万字,2021

井国庆,尤瑞林, 《铁路轨枕-理论与实践》中国铁道出版社. 55万字,2022

丁东,井国庆《高速铁路飞砟与冰雪飞溅》中国铁道出版社. 55万字,2022


井国庆,张徐 《大机捣固维修作业》(译著),中国铁道出版社. 40万字,2022

井国庆 主编《跟我学铁路》系列丛书 建筑科技出版社,40万字,2023


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[8] 井国庆,强伟乐,丁东.高速铁路防飞砟装置.ZL201621906447.9

[9] 井国庆,付豪, 强伟乐,丁东.一种有砟道床结构.ZL201521905248.2

[10] 井国庆.潘姿华,郭云龙,黄红梅,宋佳宁,赵佳成,基于废旧钢轨骨架的复合轨枕装置及其强度检测方法.ZL201510531969.6

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[12] 井国庆,郭云龙, 贾文利,强伟乐.卢炜,梯子型轨道道床横向阻力测试系统与测试方法.ZL201410483006.9

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积极献身轨道工程对外教学,如埃塞尔比亚、利比亚、乌干达、泰国、印度、坦桑尼亚、赞比亚、巴西和秘鲁铁道工程师培训,荣获乌干达国家友谊勋章,同时为相关企业提供铁路建设技术标准、产业咨询服务。根据以下所承担科研项目,与美国伊利诺伊香槟、法国中央理工和荷兰代尔夫特理工著名大学有实质合作,为中方项目负责人 中国铁路总公司、国家铁路局规范及标准英文版审议专家,审议《高速铁路设计规范》英文版等,同时兼聘为国际铁路项目顾问,包括中铁建、中交、中铁等提供铁路建设技术标准、咨询服务。

 马来西亚彭亨大学、泰国清迈大学客座教授。俄罗斯《铁道建筑》编委会委员; 《Soil and Foundation》 、《Engineering Structure》、 《Construction and Building material》 《Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, Part F》、 《Composite Structure》、《Transportation Geotechnics》、《Engineering Failure Analysis》、 《Measurement》 、《 Structural Control and Health Monitoring 》 、《同济大学学报》《Transportation Research Record 》 、 《工程力学》、《铁道工程学报》、《西南交通大学学报》等审稿专家。