[1] Ma M*, Xu L H, Liu W F, et al. Semi-analytical solution of a coupled tunnel-soil periodic model with a track slab under a moving train load[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2024, 128: 588-608.
[2] Ma M*, Zhang H G, Li M H et al. Analysis of the tunnel vibration uncertainty induced by out-of-round wheels of metro trains[C] // 30th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV30), Amsterdam, 2024:1-8.
[3] Li Z, Ma M*, Li M H, et al. Hybrid method combining numerical modelling and experimental measurements for predicting ground-borne vibrations induced by underground trains[J]. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2024, 187:108959.
[4] Xu L H*, Ma M. Vibration amplification zone phenomenon on the ground surface under various types of buried dynamic loads within metro tunnel[J]. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2024, 182:108713.
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[7] 马蒙*, 王婷婷, 王佳欣. 基于评价指标转换法的地铁环境振动烦恼度研究[J].振动与冲击, 2024, 43(11): 317-323.
[8] 王宇, 马蒙*, 李万博. 地铁列车振动对高梁古桥影响分析[J].噪声与振动控制, 2025,45(2).
[1] Cao R N, Ma M*, Sun X J, et al. Transmission characteristics of train-induced vibration in buildings based on wave propagation analysis[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 378: 131154.
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[4] Xu L H, Ma M*. Analytical solution of ground-borne vibration due to spatially periodic harmonic moving load on a tunnel embedded in layered soil[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 2023, 24: 637-652.
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[6] 丁德云, 马蒙, 王文斌, 等. 市域快轨钢弹簧浮置板轨道行车安全性试验[J].铁道工程学报, 2023(3):33-38,44.
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[1] Ma M*, Li M H, Qu X Y, et al. Effect of passing metro trains on uncertainty of vibration source intensity: Monitoring tests[J].Measurement, 2022, 193: 110992.
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[3] Xu L H, Ma M*, Cao R N, et al. Effect of longitudinally varying characteristics of soil on metro train-induced ground vibrations based on wave propagation analysis[J]. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2022, 152:107020.
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[6] Sun X J, Ma M*, Jiang B L, et al. Ground vibration from freight railway: environmental impact and potential mitigation measure at propagation path[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, 29: 44364–44377.
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[8] 丁德云, 王文斌, 马蒙, 等. 不同车速下钢弹簧浮置板轨道减振降噪性能试验研究[J].北京交通大学学报, 2022, 46(6):1-8.
[1] Ma M*, Xu L H, Du L L, et al. Prediction of building vibration induced by metro trains running in a curved tunnel[J]. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2021, 27(5-6): 515-528.
[2] Ma M*, Liu J L, Zhang Z S. Evaluating vertical conditions of bridge substructures of heavy-haul railway lines based on dynamic stiffness and pier vibration response[J]. Engineering Structures, 2021, 235:112037.
[3] Xu L H, Ma M*, Li L F, et al. Continuum-based approach for modelling the flexural behaviour of plain concrete beam under high-cycle fatigue loads[J]. Engineering Structures, 2021, 241:112442.
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[5] Liang R H, Liu W F*, Ma M, et al. An Efficient model for predicting the train-induced ground-borne vibration and uncertainty quantification based on Bayesian neural network[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2021, 495: 115908.
[6] 马蒙*, 张厚贵. 城市轨道交通环境振动对人体影响的暴露-响应关系研究现况[J]噪声与振动控制,2021,41(1):1-5,26.
[7] 马蒙*, 张厚贵, 陈棋, 等. 钢轨表面短波不平顺对地铁振动源强影响[J]中国铁道科学,2021, 42(3):21-28.
[8] 马蒙*, 李明航, 谭新宇, 等. 地铁轮轨耦合不平顺激励对轨道振动影响分析[J]工程力学,2021, 38(5):191-198.
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[10] 曹容宁,马蒙*,孙晓静,等. 框架结构中矩形楼板动力响应求解的谱单元法[J].振动与冲击, 2021, 40(24):99-106.
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[6] 梁瑞华,马蒙*,刘卫丰,等. 考虑地层动力特性差异的地铁减振轨道减振效果评价[J].工程力学, 2020,37(S): 75-81.
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